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 研制时间 添加此单词到默认生词本
development time

  1. 用计算机代替 手工来建立零件分类编码系统,将大大节省人力和缩短研制时间
    If a Part Classification and Coding System is established with computer instead of manual method, the man power and developing time of doing it reduce greatly.
  2. 因此,哈里森保险公司的托马斯建议要购买业务中断险,以弥补由于所需机器的研制时间过长而带来的损失。
    As a result, the recommendations of Thomas Harrison, the insurance company to buy business interruption insurance to compensate for the necessary development of machine takes too long to losses.
  3. 针对有媒体传闻疫苗研制时间太短会导致疫苗本身具有不安全性,Kieny博士称,大多数情况下,这些传闻是无根据的。
    Dr. Kieny says media rumors that the quick development of vaccines makes them unsafe, in most cases, are unfounded. She says no vaccine carries zero risks.

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