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lapping housing

  1. 不过通过读让我学到了一学习和分析问题的方法,特别是对统计学和计量经济学的进一步学习,规范了我对数据的处理方法。
    But during the postgraduate times I have gained a method of learning and analyzing problems, especially the studying of Statistics and Econometrics, from which I regulate my data processing method.
  2. 超声珩磨与珩复合加工技术是近来对发动机缸等重要零件表面纹理特性究的热点。
    Ultrasonic honing and lapping complex machining technology is the hot topic of the surface texture characteristics of important parts such as engine cylinder sleeves.
  3. 采用两旋转孔径散斑照相系统对动态三维位移场进行了测。
    A 3-d dynamic displacement field is studied and tested by use of two sets of rotation aperture spackle photographic system.

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