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 研磨区 添加此单词到默认生词本
[食品] grinding zone

  1. 本文的创新之处在于: 1、利用动力学的知识对环缝磨的研磨区和分离的介质球的分布进行了分析;
    The innovation of this text lies in:1, The distributing orderliness of medium grain in separating area and milling area have been studied in this text;
  2. 加长型的研磨内腔,物料经过研磨区一遍就能得到更充分的研磨,更高的提升产品质量和产能。
    Extra-long grinding cavity enables materials to be grinded sufficiently going through the grinding are for only once and quality of products and output capacity can be improved.
  3. 通过正交试验得出了球磨参数与细粉量的关系,并提出研磨破碎概念,给出了球磨效率关系式。
    The relationship between parameters of ball mill and quantity of fine powder was obtained by cross test. The concept of grinding zone and equation about grinding efficiency were proposed.

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