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 研究基地 添加此单词到默认生词本
study base

  1. 但我想,总有一天人类会到火星上建立起第一个研究基地,并最终在那里建立永久的定居点。
    But I think a day will come when humans will go to Mars and we will establish first research bases there and ultimately permanent settlements there.
  2. 偶然,可能还会有各种尝试,就像蜷缩在南极研究基地的人们一样,为了温暖、为了食品,为了伙伴,他们得短时间的跨越冰盖,然后再返回基地
    There may be occasional forays, just as men sometimes leave their huddled research bases in Antarctica to scuttle briefly across the ice cap before returning, for warmth, food and company, to base.
  3. 美兰,一只来自亚特兰大动物园的熊猫,将会被送到成都大熊猫繁殖研究基地
    Mei Lan, a panda from Zoo Atlanta, will also be transported to the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding.

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