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 研磨台 添加此单词到默认生词本
grinding table

  1. 减速箱齿轮研磨台的研制应用,减轻了工人的劳动强度,提高了减速箱维修后的效率。
    The manufacture and application of gear grind desk used for gearbox can decrease strength of the workers and increase the efficiency of gearbox repaired.
  2. 石墨电极研磨机的两个主要运动部件——进给和主振,在控制系统支持下协调运行。
    A feed platform and an oscillatory platform, which are the two major motion components of GET, are used to coordinate the grinding function under a computer control system.
  3. 产品包括泵、真空包装填充机、研磨机、分配机、制作、倾卸机、装桶机、模具系统、热加工系统、储存罐、储料器、充填机、切片机和切丁器。
    Products include Pumps, Vacuumizing Stuffers, Grinders, Portioners, Racks, Dumpers, Vats, Mold Systems, Thermal Processing Systems, Tanks, Hoppers, Fillers, Slicers, and Dicers.

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