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 研磨细度 添加此单词到默认生词本
[涂料] fineness of grind

  1. 陶瓷球磨机主要用于物料的混合、研磨、产品的细度均匀、节省动力。
    Chinaware ball mill mainly used for mixing, milling of the material, the fineness even saving force.
  2. 高精密的分离结构,可选用较小的研磨珠或纯锆珠,一至两遍即可得到超研磨细度
    Special separation structure is adopted. Finer grinding beads or pure zirconium beads can be used to gain ultrafine particle size by just one or two times.
  3. 开采的矿石先由颚式破碎机进行初步破碎,在破碎至合理细度后经由提升机,给矿机均匀送入球磨机,由球磨机对矿石进行粉碎、研磨
    Mining ores first by the jaw crusher, preliminary broken in broken to a reasonable fineness via hoist, after to ore machine evenly into the ball mill, the ball mill for ore smash, grinding.

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