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 研磨试验 [yán mó shì yàn添加此单词到默认生词本
[试验] grinding test

  1. 基于三杆五自由度并联机床进行了对自由曲面模具磁力研磨试验研究。
    Based on a 3-legged 5-DOF (Degree of Freedom) in-parallel virtual axis machine tool, magnetic abrasive finishing experiments for free form surface of mould were carried out.
  2. 这些刀片是经过实验室检测而精选出来的钢制成的。每个刀片分别经过手工淬火‘研磨试验
    They are made from selected laboratory-tested steel and each blade is separately tempered, honed, and hair tested by hand.
  3. 在实际生产中对八辊磨粉机的光辊心磨系统C1A/C2A进行不同轧距下的研磨试验,探索在流量相对稳定的情况下,光辊心磨与撞击松粉机的粉碎效果。
    The grinding efficiency of smooth roll and centrifugal impactor was researched through the milling test of eight_roller mill at same flow rate and different roll gap for C1A and C2A during processing.

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