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 研究内容 添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. 它也是拍摄者研究内容的一部分,具有科学价值:研究蚊子如何携带和传播疾病。
    And it also had scientific merit as part of the photographer’s research on how mosquitoes carry and spread disease.
  2. 这类的研究都可划分为所谓的文化神经学;研究内容在于环境是如何促进脑功能形成的。
    These sorts of studies fall into so-called cultural neuroscience; the study how our environment shapes our brain function.
  3. 拉伸弦的问题是每一个物理家的主要研究内容,出于两个原因,一是其相对简单,二是因为它在科学史上的重要性。
    The stretched-string problem is one that every physics major studies, due both to its relative simplicity and its importance in the history of science.

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