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 研磨盘 [yán mó pán添加此单词到默认生词本
grinding disc
Lapping Plate

  1. 接通电源时操作者必须远离研磨盘
    The operator have to keep enough space from disc blade when put-on power.
  2. 研磨盘方面,可根据客户研磨机型进行配套生产加工,提供质量优良的研磨盘和修正轮。
    In the grinding disc, under the ground, supporting models for production and processing, to provide good quality and that the platen round.
  3. 采用田口试验法来获取陶瓷球双自转研磨盘研磨方式的最佳工艺参数,以及各参数对研磨指标的贡献率。
    This paper focuses on the application of Taguchi method to optimize the technique parameters to lap ceramic ball.

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