[机] abrasive sand
grinding sand
- 用于喷砂的研磨料应当清洁干燥且无污染。
Abrasive for blast cleaning shall be clean and dry and free of contaminants. - 表面可以改变您的创作之前,通过研磨,喷砂,抛光,抛丸或具有覆盖。
The surface can be changed before your creation by grinding, sandblasting, polishing, shot blasting or with an overlay. - 结论:从天麻干品中采用CTAB法提取DNA用于分子生物学研究是可行的,用玻璃砂研磨能取得与液氮相近的结果。
Conclusion: The CTAB method is practicable in the isolation of DNA from dry Rhizoma Gastrodiae. The grinding result of glass-sand is similar with that of nitrogen.