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 研磨液 添加此单词到默认生词本
grinding fluid
grinding lubricant

  1. 介绍了化学研磨液的配方、性能及使用方法。
    Formula, properties and usage of the chemical rubbing solution were introduced.
  2. 大蒜研磨液可以作为植物性农药应用在蔬菜等农作物的生产上。
    The garlic grinding solution could be applied as botanical pesticide in the production of crops such as vegetable.
  3. 不同黄瓜品种叶表露珠及叶片研磨液对分生孢子萌发率、 芽管数量、菌丝长短有显著影响。
    Effect of dews on cucumber leaves and juice of cucumber leaves of different varieties on the ratio of germination, quantity of sprout and length of hypha was different.

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