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 研磨球 [yán mó qiú添加此单词到默认生词本
mill ball

  1. 若加入研磨球珠则混合、分散、研磨效果将极为理想。
    The effect will be ideal when add some grading beads.
  2. 为提高陶瓷研磨加工效率,提出了一种新的研磨方法,即超声振动研磨法。
    In order to improve the efficency of ceramic ball lapping, a new lapping method called ultrasonic vibration lapping is used.
  3. 据此确定了研磨装置的设计指标,提出了新的陶瓷研磨方法——锥形研磨法。
    Based on this analysis, the design target of lapping attachment is determined and the new lapping method - conical lapping method of ceramic ball is proposed.

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