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 研磨板 [yán mó bǎn添加此单词到默认生词本
lapping plate

  1. 阀座表面的研磨抛光。
    Lapping of wedge seating surfaces.
  2. 经过研磨抛光达到镜面光洁度,还经过紧密性引导来防止由于拖动造成阀座的损坏。
    Wedge is ground and lapped to a mirror finish and tightly guided to prevent dragging and seat damage.
  3. 根据磁性研磨加工原理,分析了三种永磁磁极头对铜合金、铝合金和45号钢磁性研磨的加工效果,验证了强永磁材料磁极头进行光整加工的可行性和可靠性。
    Based on the mechanism of magnetic lapping,the tests for 3 developed magneto poleshave been done and the surface roughness of the finished workpieces has been improved obviously.

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