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 研制计划 添加此单词到默认生词本
development effort
development program

  1. 研究燃料不稳定性的规模,完全取决于发动机研制计划的状况。
    A factor in determining the heartbeat of current research into combustion instability phenomena is the status of engine development program.
  2. 实验结果表明所研制系统基本达到设计要求,完成了第一期研制计划
    The result of test proves that the TWS data processing system meets the requirement of design.
  3. 但是让一个天主教徒参加到避孕药的研制计划中来,令玛格丽特·桑格感到非常不安,因为她是个前天主教徒。
    The prospect, however, of having a Catholic involved in the pill project horrified Margaret Sanger -- herself, a lapsed Catholic.

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