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 研发中心 添加此单词到默认生词本
R&D center(research and development center)

  1. 华为现在在国外有超过100个办公室,并在欧洲、美国、印度和中国设有研发中心
    The firm now has over 100 offices abroad and maintains research centres in Europe, America and India as well as China.
  2. 微软在加拿大开了一个软件研发中心,部分原因正是因为加拿较灵活的法律让雇佣全世界的合格人才更加容易。
    Microsoft opened a software development centre in Canada in part because Canada's more liberal laws make it easier to recruit qualified people from around the world.
  3. 简而言之,微软和英特尔把中国变成其全球研发中心,恰恰是因为这两家公司不必太担心自主创新带来的不利后果。
    In short, Microsoft and Intel leverage China as a global research hub precisely because these companies don't have to worry much about the downsides of indigenous innovation.

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