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 研修 [yán xiū添加此单词到默认生词本
research and studies
advanced study and training

  1. 前三届研修项目的成功举办,获得了传媒业界的高度评价。
    The first three sessions have achieved great success and gained high appraisals from the media.
  2. 大卫·洛克菲勒国际体验助学金同时为大学资助的其他国际学习、工作及研修机会提供补足金。
    The David Rockefeller International Experience Grants also complement many other University-sponsored opportunities for international study, work, and research.
  3. 针对信息技术环境中校本研修的特点,提出校本研修的几种新模式,并指出保障校本研修开展的具体条件。
    According to the character of school-based study, the writer brings forward several new mode and points out the specific condition of ensuring it development.

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