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 砍柴 添加此单词到默认生词本
cut firewood

  1. 他每天在山上砍柴
    He cut firewood in the hills every day.
  2. 有一天,一位砍柴的老汉偶然发现了这个秘密,惊喜之下,他小心翼翼的捧走了金砂。
    One day, an old woodcutter hit on this secret. To his amazement, he cupped the gold sand carefully.
  3. 如广东的刘延林(音译)将一对在山中砍柴的老夫妇杀死并肢解。 经鉴定,他患上了精神分裂症,被释放后和他兄弟一起生活。
    For example, after Liu Yalin killed and dismembered an elderly couple cutting firewood in a Guangdong Province forest, he was judged to be schizophrenic and released to his brother.

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