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 砍刀 [kǎn dāo添加此单词到默认生词本
hacking knife

  1. 士兵们用大砍刀乱砍森林中的矮树丛。
    The soldiers hacked at the jungle undergrowth with matchetes.
  2. 就在吵骂声殴打声张圣忽然拿起手中携带上山的砍刀砍向张熊手指。
    Making a noise the quarrelling sound beats up disclose emperor to be taken suddenly carry in the hand on the chopper of hill cuts Xiang Zhangxiong finger.
  3. 我们荡舟其上,划着用大砍刀砍削而成的木桨,在浅水处则以竹当篙。
    We traveled one of these in dugout canoes, canoes paddled with machete-hewn oars, or poled in the shallows with bamboo.

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