砍号 [
kǎn hào]

[林] axe marking
- 当局称,该名男子跳上“自由狂欢节号”的一个救生艇,并试图用斧头砍断绳索。
Authorities say the man got in one of the Carnival Liberty's lifeboats and tried to cut its ropes with an axe. - 我知道如果我在错误的时候砍断绳索,伊斯帕尼奥拉号就会突然离岸,我的小船也势必倾覆。
I knew if I cut the anchor rope at the wrong moment , the Hispaniola would make a sudden move out to sea , and my boat might be knocked out of the water . - 当局称,该名男子掉入“自由狂欢者号”游船的一艘救生艇,并试图用斧子砍断救生艇的绳索。
Authorities say the man got in one of the Carnival Liberty's lifeboats and tried to cut its ropes with an axe.