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 公开市场业务 添加此单词到默认生词本
OMO(open-market operation)

  1. 不管怎样,美联储还没有在公开市场业务中使用直升机。
    The Fed did not, in any event, employ aircraft in its open market operations.
  2. 公开市场业务是指中央银行在公开市场上买进或卖出二级市场债券用以增加或减少货币供应量的一种政策手段。
    The open market operation is a policy-based measure for the central bank to buy or sell aftermarket securities in the open market to increase or reduce currency supply.
  3. 公开市场业务是中央银行最重要的一个间接货币政策工具,作为公开市场业务主体的国债市场是央行公开市场操作的基本依托。
    As the main section of the open market business, the national debt market is the basis of open market operation of Central Bank.

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