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 公开隐瞒 添加此单词到默认生词本
bare concealment

  1. 用这种语言的意图不是公开而是隐瞒,不是解释而是混淆。
    It is language intended not to reveal but to conceal, not to communicate but to obfuscate.
  2. 当婚姻中的事情被隐瞒或不被公开讨论时,烦恼事不仅不会消失而且可能引起问题。
    When things are hidden in a relationship, or not discussed openly, they do not go away and may pose problems.
  3. 据报道,在他的政策计划中,他已隐瞒了一些公开的细节直到他能确定西班牙是否能够有能力负担为止。
    He has reportedly held back from unveiling details of his policy programme until he knows whether Spain can afford them.

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