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 公斤米 [gōng jīn mǐ添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 根据所得公式,计算了2公斤·电磁式(四相)功率步进电机的各种转矩值。
    Using the formulas, various torques of a 2 kg·m electromagnetic power step motor are calculated and compared With the results of tests.
  2. 就在那时,需要去产生两个标准的原型(公斤),根据这两个标准的原型,度量衡才能复制到法国各地。
    It was then necessary to produce the two prototype standards (metre and kilogram) on to which the measurements would be copied for distribution across France.
  3. 总功仍然是750公斤·(用75公斤乘以10),但作用力已经被改变,于是其所需的最大外力仅仅是75公斤
    The total work is still 750 metre-kilograms (10 metres multiplied by 75 kilograms), but the effort has been modified so that the maximum force required is only 75 kilograms.

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