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 公开的秘密 添加此单词到默认生词本
open secret

  1. 但是空中管理员告诉美国联合通讯社,夜班时一个管理员处理两份工作,另一个睡觉,然后再交换过来,轮流休息,是他们内部公开的秘密
    But controllers told The Associated Press that napping at night where one controller works two jobs while the other sleeps, and then they swap, is an open secret within the agency.
  2. 在中国,为了获得重大项目,一个公开的秘密就是:做好的研究还不如与官员和他们赏识的专家拉关系重要。
    To obtain major grants in China, it is an open secret that doing good research is not as important as schmoozing with powerful bureaucrats and their favorite experts.
  3. 中国当局喜欢通过伦敦、香港和其他地方的中间媒介购买美国债券,这已经是一个公开的秘密了。
    But it’s an open secret that the Chinese authorities also like to buy Treasuries via intermediaries in London, Hong Kong, and elsewhere.

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