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 公开裁决 添加此单词到默认生词本
public verdict

  1. 裁决医疗纠纷应公开化。
    Open adjudication of medical tangles.
  2. 在星期一公开裁决中,国际贸易组织的最高法庭要求中国在执行国际贸易条例中带来进口车辆的组成零件。
    In the ruling release Monday, the organization top court asked China to bring its import taffies on foreign auto parts in the compliance with international trade rules.
  3. 高院的三位陪审员—首席大法官布朗与大法官莱森和大法官戴森一致裁决斯特劳拒绝公开医疗报告的举动属于非法行为。
    The panel of three senior judges - Lord Justice Simon Brown, Mr Justice Latham and Mr Justice Dyson - decided Mr Straw acted unlawfully in refusing to disclose the report.

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