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 公开讨论 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 害怕被传染、缺乏有关结核病可能治愈的知识,以及社区不公开讨论这一疾病,这种种因素都起到助长这种恐惧心理的作用。
    Fear of contagion, lack of knowledge that TB can be cured and the failure of communities to discuss the disease openly all play a role in fuelling this fear.
  2. 此前,由于总统穆加贝的支持者用舞蹈和演唱革命歌曲进行扰乱,不得不放弃了关于新宪法的公开讨论会议。
    Earlier the opening session of discussions about the new constitution had to be abandoned after supporters of President Mugabe disrupted it, dancing and singing revolutionary songs.
  3. 另外一个鼓励公开讨论的方式是让参与者在一段时间内避免使用批评的言辞。
    Another way to encourage open discussion is to ask participants to avoid using critical language for a period of time.

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