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 公开考试 添加此单词到默认生词本
public examination

  1. 接着他们在26岁的时候通过参加公开考试来评估他们的受教育程度。
    Later they were assessed at age 26 to see what educational success they had achieved in public examinations.
  2. 学生的校内成绩会计算在公开考试的评分之内,尤其是文科科目。
    Students' assessment at school, particularly in arts-related subjects, will also have a bearing on their final public examination results.
  3. 海关招收工作人员应当按照国家规定,公开考试,严格考核,择优录用。
    Customs shall, in accordance with national regulations, take examination openly, assess strictly and employ selectively by excellency while recruiting personnel.

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