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 公开招聘 [gōng kāi zhāo pìn添加此单词到默认生词本
open recruitment
job posting

  1. 中投公司最近通过报纸广告和专门网站开始了公开招聘活动,希望吸引约70名雇员。
    CIC began a public recruitment campaign last week with newspaper advertisements and a dedicated website aimed at attracting about 70 employees.
  2. 在一个失业率9%的国家,每一个公开招聘的职位,都可能有大量的渴望找到工作的条件合格的,甚至条件超好的应聘者。
    For every open position, expect to find an army of qualified, and even overqualified, candidates starving for work in a country with 9% unemployment.
  3. 虽然去申请每个公开招聘的职位听起来很诱人,但是有针对性地应聘却能够更有效地利用求职资源,还能够给你创造成功的最佳机会。
    While it might be tempting to apply for every open position out there, a targeted search will be a much more efficient use of job-search resources and will give the best chance of success.

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