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 公开投票 添加此单词到默认生词本
open bid
open voting

  1. 博物馆组织了一场公开投票来选出在过去的世纪里谁是最重要的发明。
    These then went to a public vote to find the most important invention of past centuries.
  2. 在苏黎世,经过了22位评委代表的不公开投票,FIFA(国际足联)最终将2018和2022年世界杯的承办权分别授予了俄罗斯和卡塔尔。
    After a secret ballot of 22 delegates in Zurich, FIFA, soccer's governing body, awarded the 2018 and 2022 World Cups to Russia and Qatar, respectively.
  3. 接着议院会就议案公开投票
    The chamber then takes an open vote on the bill.

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