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 公开帐户 添加此单词到默认生词本
open account

  1. 在撰写本文时,对于免费帐户,数据被限制为300 MB,您的存储库必须是公开的。
    As of this writing, for a free account you're limited to 300mb of data and your repository must be public.
  2. 但是这些地下产业依然非常猖獗,居然进行公开的竞赛,看谁可以通过网络犯罪先挣到一百万美元,并向他们的同行间展示其银行帐户结算时的屏幕截图!
    Many members of the underground community have public contests to see who can make $1 million off their crime, complete with screen shots of their banks account statements, he said.
  3. 在中国现有的帐户持有人目前可以在公开测试系统上玩魔兽世界,而最近的申请也正在处理中。
    Existing account holders in China can currently play WoW on an open beta test while the most recent application is being processed.

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