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 公开审理 [gōng kāi shěn lǐ添加此单词到默认生词本
public hearing
[法] public trial
trial in public

  1. 但是,法律规定不公开或者可以不公开审理的除外。
    This proscription does not extend to the cases cannot be opened or cannot have an open trial according to law.
  2. 但是有关国家秘密或者个人隐私的案件,不公开审理
    However, cases involving State secrets or private affairs of individuals shall not be heard in public.
  3. 所有案件(包括依法不公开审理的案件)都必须公开宣告判决。
    The verdicts in all cases, including cases of non-public trial in accordance with law, should be pronounced publicly.

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