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 junket ['dʒʌŋkɪt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vi. 用公费游山玩水, 设宴

vt. 宴请

n. 凝乳食品, 用公费游山玩水, 宴请

[医] 乳冻[食品]

    [ noun ]
    1. dessert made of sweetened milk coagulated with rennet

    2. <noun.food>
    3. a journey taken for pleasure

    4. <noun.act>
      many summer excursions to the shore
      it was merely a pleasure trip
      after cautious sashays into the field
    5. a trip taken by an official at public expense

    6. <noun.act>
    [ verb ]
    1. go on a pleasure trip

    2. <verb.motion> junketeer
    3. provide a feast or banquet for

    4. <verb.consumption>
      banquet feast
    5. partake in a feast or banquet

    6. <verb.consumption>
      banquet feast

    Junket \Jun"ket\, v. i.
    To feast; to banquet; to make an entertainment; -- sometimes
    applied opprobriously to feasting by public officers at the
    public cost.

    Job's children junketed and feasted together often.

    Junket \Jun"ket\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Junketed}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Junketing}.]
    To give entertainment to; to feast.

    The good woman took my lodgings over my head, and was
    in such a hurry to junket her neighbors. --Walpole.

    Junket \Jun"ket\, n. [Formerly also juncate, fr. It. giuncata
    cream cheese, made in a wicker or rush basket, fr. L. juncus
    a rush. See 2d {Junk}, and cf. {Juncate}.]
    1. A cheese cake; a sweetmeat; any delicate food.

    How Faery Mab the junkets eat. --Milton.

    Victuals varied well in taste,
    And other junkets. --Chapman.

    2. A feast; an entertainment.

    A new jaunt or junket every night. --Thackeray.

    3. A trip made at the expense of an organization of which the
    traveller is an official, ostensibly to obtain information
    relevant to one's duties; especially, a trip made by a
    public official at government expense. The term is
    sometimes used opprobriously, from a belief that such
    trips are often taken for private pleasure, and are
    therefore a waste of public money; as, a congressional
    junket to a tropical country.

    1. In addition, Justice William W. Kilgarlin was "admonished" -- a lesser rebuke -- because his law clerks had taken an all-expenses-paid junket to Las Vegas with a lawyer who had a case pending before the court.
    2. Indeed, Brooks once led a junket on which the Americans were dined royally at a palatial country estate owned by an English nobleman.
    3. Lynch's office said members of the Real Estate Commission traveled at state expense on a junket to Hawaii.
    4. But since there are no major burning political issues between Japan and these countries at the moment, political analysts say Mr. Kaifu is likely to use the diplomatic junket to further bolster his domestic standing.
    5. The itinerary is heavy on free time and evening receptions, however. But the representatives bristle at suggestions that the excursion is a political junket.
    6. I would be more than happy to have my entitlement programs cut if first Congress would cut its own entitlement programs, such as raises through the back door, junket trips for pleasure, pork barrels and some of the many other perks it enjoys.
    7. Justice Kilgarlin, whose law clerks took the Las Vegas junket, didn't find out about the trip until after they returned and was admonished only for not advising them about the ethical standards of the court.
    8. The annual excursion isn't viewed as a junket for the tax-writing panel, but an occasion for the committee to focus its attention on a policy issue away from the din and distraction of the capital.
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