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 Juno ['dʒuno]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 朱诺(罗马神话中天后)

    [ noun ]
    (Roman mythology) queen of the Olympian gods who protected marriage; wife and sister of Jupiter; counterpart of Greek Hera

    Juno \Ju"no\ (j[=u]"n[-o]), n.; pl. {Junos} (j[=u]"n[-o]z). [L.]
    1. (Rom. Myth.) The queen of the Olympian gods, the sister
    and wife of Jupiter, and the goddess who presided over
    marriage. She corresponds to the Greek Hera.

    Sweeter than the lids of Juno's eyes. --Shak.

    2. (Astron.) One of the early discovered asteroids.

    {Bird of Juno}, the peacock.

    1. There was local flooding in Texas near Comstock, Juno and Pandale.
    2. The Anglo-Soviet project was named for Juno, the Roman goddess of marriage, because it marks "the start of a very special relationship between Glavkosmos and the British space administration," Magee-Brown said.
    3. Pezzuti, scheduled for a February trial on other charges of dealing in stolen goods, was convicted last month of trying to receive a free ticket for each of the tickets stolen from a Juno Beach beauty salon.
    4. It also changed the way women think about themselves, their rights as human beings," Tully said from Juno, Fla., where she was vacationing.
    5. The New York Times said the Soviets have hired the Saatchi and Saatchi Company, the world's largest advertising and marketing conglomerate, to exploit the commercial opportunities of the Juno mission.
    6. Paul Libin, producer of "Juno and the Paycock," said lines of people hoping for cancellations are longer than lines outside "The Phantom of the Opera."
    7. She made her first dog training film, "Love Me, Love My Dog," in 1955 using her Great Dane, Juno.
    8. Geraldine Plunkett has the resilience needed to convey Juno's sense of survival and duty, while Rosemary Fine and Joe Savino capture the unhappy, defeated lives of the Boyle children.
    9. However, the production finds a great resource, which should be more prominently used, in Ariel (Paul Brennen), Juno (Maria Sherry) and Iris (Tim Kirkus).
    10. Both will train but only one will join two Soviet cosmonauts on the eight-day mission Juno in April 1991.
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