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 Juntas 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Juntas)人名;(西)洪塔斯

  1. In fairness to the rating companies, accurately assessing political risk can require penetrating smoke-filled rooms, forecasting military juntas or measuring the likelihood of popular revolts.
  2. These countries see freedom of speech and access to information as minor issues comparatively, but the big juntas and dictators have a vested interest in keeping the hoi polloi uninformed.
  3. Such juntas often also bring civilian technocrats into government, or hand over to them when they step down.

Junta \Jun"ta\ (j[u^]n"t[.a]), n.; pl. {Juntas} (j[u^]n"t[.a]z).
[Sp., fr. L. junctus joined, p. p. of jungere to join. See
{Join}, and cf. {Junto}.]
1. A council; a convention; a tribunal; an assembly; esp.,
the grand council of state in Spain.

2. A junto.

3. A small committee or group self-appointed to serve as the
government of a country, usually just after a coup d'etat
or revolution, and often composed primarily of military
men. The term is used mostly in Latin American countries.

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