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 Jupiter ['dʒu:pitә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 朱庇物(罗马神话中的主神), 木星

    [ noun ]
    1. the largest planet and the 5th from the sun; has many satellites and is one of the brightest objects in the night sky

    2. <noun.object>
    3. (Roman mythology) supreme god of Romans; counterpart of Greek Zeus

    4. <noun.person>

    Jupiter \Ju"pi*ter\, n. [L., fr. Jovis pater. See {Jove}.]
    1. (Rom. Myth.) The supreme deity, king of gods and men, and
    reputed to be the son of Saturn and Rhea; Jove. He
    corresponds to the Greek Zeus.

    2. (Astron.) One of the planets, being the fifth from the
    sun, the brightest except Venus, and the largest of them
    all, its mean radius being about 43,345 miles (69,758
    kilometers), almost exactly one-tenth that of the sun. It
    revolves about the sun in 4,332.6 days, at a mean distance
    of 5.2025 from the sun (778,140,000 km), the earth's mean
    distance (the astronomical unit) being taken as unity. It
    has a mass of 1.901 x 10^{27} kg, about one-thousandth
    that of the sun, and more than the remainder of the
    planets combined. It has an average solar day equal to
    9.842 earth hours. The rapid revolution causes a
    noticeable flattening at the poles; the diameter at the
    equator is 71,370 km, and at the poles 66,644 km. --HCP61
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    {Jupiter's beard}. (Bot.)
    (a) A South European herb, with cymes of small red
    blossoms ({Centranthus ruber}).
    (b) The houseleek ({Sempervivum tectorum}); -- so called
    from its massive inflorescence, like the sculptured
    beard of Jove. --Prior.
    (c) the cloverlike {Anthyllis Barba-Jovis}.

    {Jupiter's staff} (Bot.), the common mullein; -- so called
    from its long, rigid spike of yellow blossoms.

    1. Ulysses continued to streak through the solar system Monday on its way to Jupiter.
    2. "We have gained enough energy out of this celestial billiard shot to get the energy we need to make it all the say to Jupiter." _ Torrence Johnson, project scientist on NASA's Galileo space probe, after the robot explorer zoomed around Venus.
    3. He spots the problem: It seems that Mars, the planet of war and anger, has gotten twisted up with Jupiter, sphere of luck and protection.
    4. Ulysses was 3.1 million miles from Earth on Wednesday, speeding at 25,451 mph toward a February 1992 swing past Jupiter, said Don Meyer, NASA's operations manager for Ulysses at Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena.
    5. "Thornburgh strikes you as being the planet Jupiter, a failed star.
    6. To pick up enough speed to reach Jupiter, for instance, Galileo must fly twice past Earth.
    7. It was the first spacecraft to cross the Asteroid Belt, fly past Jupiter and return pictures, chart Jupiter's intense radiation belts, measure the mass of its four planet-sized moons, and discover that Jupiter is predominantly a liquid planet.
    8. It was the first spacecraft to cross the Asteroid Belt, fly past Jupiter and return pictures, chart Jupiter's intense radiation belts, measure the mass of its four planet-sized moons, and discover that Jupiter is predominantly a liquid planet.
    9. It was the first spacecraft to cross the Asteroid Belt, fly past Jupiter and return pictures, chart Jupiter's intense radiation belts, measure the mass of its four planet-sized moons, and discover that Jupiter is predominantly a liquid planet.
    10. The plutonium is in two nuclear-powered generators that provide electricity for the Galileo spacecraft bound for Jupiter.
    11. The Discovery mission has priority: its crew is to launch the Ulysses space probe toward the sun during an alignment of Earth, sun and Jupiter that won't reoccur for 13 months.
    12. Discovery has until Oct. 23 to lift off with Ulysses because of the alignment of Earth, the sun and Jupiter, whose gravitational field will slingshot the satellite back to the sun.
    13. The "Sangam," which takes it's name from a mythical fight between gods and demons over a pot of nectar, is held every 12 years when Jupiter enters Taurus and the Sun and the Moon are in Capricorn.
    14. Scientists believe the 6,200-mile-wide dark spot it found probably is similar to Earth's hurricanes or Jupiter's Great Red Spot.
    15. Venus helped increase Galileo's speed by almost 5,000 mph, giving it enough energy to get to Jupiter.
    16. An hour later, an attached motor was to boost the 6,700-pound craft on a roundabout, six-year trip that will cover 2.4 billion miles along the path to Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system.
    17. Enthusiastic members of Voyager's imaging team already are speculating that the findings will be more exciting than the images of Jupiter, where Voyager cameras discovered extraterrestrial volcanoes on Io, a moon.
    18. The Galileo spacecraft makes a rendezvous with Earth on Saturday, using the planet's gravity like a slingshot to hurl it along on its six-year journey to the solar system's largest planet, Jupiter.
    19. Co-defendant John Lee Moller, 45, of Jupiter was sentenced to 10 years in prison and fined $50,000 for possession with intent to distribute at least one kilogram of cocaine and one tax evasion charge from California.
    20. All others aboard the Jupiter were rescued, and no injuries were reported from the Adige.
    21. Jupiter's Great Red Spot contains 250 mph winds.
    22. Earth and Jupiter's moon Io are the only objects in the solar system known to have volcanoes that are currently active.
    23. The rocket is to boost Galileo toward Jupiter after the probe is released in orbit by Atlantis' astronauts.
    24. The Jupiter's chief mate, Kyriakos Moustakis, said the Adige was heading toward the cruise ship on a collision course and failed to change direction.
    25. A coastal flood warning remained in effect for all the Florida Keys, and along Florida's Atlantic coast from Daytona Beach to Jupiter Inlet.
    26. Efforts to explore deep space with the Hubble space telescope and the Galileo mission to Jupiter have been dogged by technical hitches, and last month the Dollars 980m Mars Observer was lost. The European Space Agency has also experienced setbacks.
    27. Unlike Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune, Uranus lacks enough internal heat to create big storms, Stone said.
    28. Jupiter's radiation belts damaged some of Voyager's equipment; Haynes doubts similar problems at Neptune.
    29. Ulysses will travel to Jupiter before heading over the solar poles.
    30. Maybe I'd better not say `earthling' because in your time you might be living on Jupiter.
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