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 junta ['dʒʌntə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 以武力政变上台的(军)政府, 私党, 阴谋小集团, 政务会

    [ noun ]
    a group of military officers who rule a country after seizing power

    Junta \Jun"ta\ (j[u^]n"t[.a]), n.; pl. {Juntas} (j[u^]n"t[.a]z).
    [Sp., fr. L. junctus joined, p. p. of jungere to join. See
    {Join}, and cf. {Junto}.]
    1. A council; a convention; a tribunal; an assembly; esp.,
    the grand council of state in Spain.

    2. A junto.

    3. A small committee or group self-appointed to serve as the
    government of a country, usually just after a coup d'etat
    or revolution, and often composed primarily of military
    men. The term is used mostly in Latin American countries.

    1. The only junta member left out of the proposed pardon was Dimitris Ioannides, who engineered a failed 1974 coup in nearby Cyprus, a disaster that led to the partition of the Mediterranean island and Greece's return to civilian rule.
    2. Burma's military junta has refused to yield power to a civilian government elected in May.
    3. Prime Minister Constantine Mitsotakis had said Friday that he decided for humanitarian reasons to pardon nearly all the jailed former members of the junta, some of whom are serving life sentences.
    4. He returned in 1980 and headed a civilian junta until he was chosen president in 1984 in the country's first elections in 50 years.
    5. The junta, which took power in a 1989 coup, has jailed politicians, trade unionists and human rights activists.
    6. The radical junta that seized power imposed a 24-hour curfew.
    7. Duarte joined the ruling junta in 1980 and became its president in December that year.
    8. Some experts have suggested that part of the problem in fighting domestic terrorism is the bad reputation gained by the security services from 1967 to 1974 when they supported the military junta.
    9. In Nicaragua, priests are part and parcel of an anti-democratic ruling junta.
    10. What will happen if they or others launch strikes and demonstrations that the military junta could use as pretext for a new clampdown?
    11. Increasingly, this campaign has seemed to catch the ruling junta off balance and it has responded with an escalating barrage of nastiness and vitriol.
    12. One year ago: Haiti held a presidential election run by the military-led junta that was boycotted by the opposition and marked by fear, confusion, low turnout and bribery.
    13. He said the civilian government Bashir has promised to appoint on an unspecified date could turn into a group of civil servant puppets with the junta pulling the strings.
    14. Omar Hassan el-Bashir, leader of the junta, has accused relief personnel of smuggling weapons and supplies.
    15. Meanwhile, one junta member, Gen.
    16. A spokesman for the ruling military junta accused a foreign embassy and a political party of distributing anti-government pamphlets to other embassies and parties.
    17. Other congressmen at the meeting reported no sense of an imminent US invasion. But Mr Gray ruled out protracted discussions with the junta.
    18. He says one reason he knew the coup would fail was because the junta had "gone the old way of saying Gorbachev was sick.
    19. Omar Hassan el-Bashir's ruling junta, which took power in its own coup last June 30, said the coup attempt crushed Monday was the second phase of a coup plot originally put down in March.
    20. The junta seized power in a September 1988 coup when it crushed a national uprising for democracy.
    21. Matthei and Stange also are believed to have had a moderating influence in the four-man military junta that has served as a legislature under Pinochet.
    22. According to the constitution, which was enacted by the junta in 1981, if the junta candidate is defeated, then Pinochet would stay in power for one year and hold open elections.
    23. According to the constitution, which was enacted by the junta in 1981, if the junta candidate is defeated, then Pinochet would stay in power for one year and hold open elections.
    24. No official announcement has been made of the government's form or makeup, but most observers expect it to be a junta approved by Gen.
    25. Obstruction and neglect by 7-month-old military junta have strained its relations with most relief organizations.
    26. The League is seeking a dialogue with the military junta, which seized power in September 1988 after brutally crushing a nationwide uprising for democracy.
    27. Namphy took over as head of a three-man junta until Leslie Manigat was elected president last January in balloting widely thought to be fraudulent.
    28. Eight members of the junta are serving prison terms ranging from 20 years to life imprisonment, convicgted of treason, torture, or the murder of pro-democracy student protesters.
    29. A spokesman for Western donor countries reported has offered help, but Sudan's military government said it would accept food donations only if the junta is in charge of transportation and distribution.
    30. But if the president, most of his advisers and several arms of the government were in as deep as Mr. Draper reveals, how can he say we had government by "cabal" or "junta"?
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