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 junky   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 吸海洛因成瘾者, 吸毒的人, 毒品贩子, 废旧品商人

    [ noun ]
    1. a narcotics addict

    2. <noun.person>
    3. someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction

    4. <noun.person>
      a golf addict
      a car nut
      a bodybuilding freak
      a news junkie

    1. Every Saturday stallholders fill the old cattle market with their wares, offering everything from junky old costume jewellery to nearly-new sweaters and bits of pine.
    2. The reality: "His office is really kind of junky compared to the others, like a janitor's office," Mr. Wolsfeld says.
    3. J.T. Botindari, fragrance buyer at Colonial Drug in Cambridge, Mass., calls the planned Parfum Bic a "junky idea."
    4. I still bet the royal collection is full of clunkers, junky canvases of dogs and prints of hunting scenes.
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