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 junkyard ['dʒʌŋk`jɑrd]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 废品旧货栈

    [ noun ]
    a field where junk is collected and stored for resale

    junkyard \junkyard\ n.
    a field where junk is collected and stored for resale.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. The Resolution Trust Corp., the government's junkyard for dying and dead thrifts, aims to move 141 S&Ls out the door during April, May and June.
    2. The caller said the mountain lion was being held in a cage in a Miami junkyard.
    3. He turns to face them and says, `But I tried. Dammit, I tried."' The lights go up on "Carmen" to reveal an extravagantly gaudy junkyard that owes as much to "West Side Story" as it does to the fiery passions of composer Georges Bizet.
    4. A man who has lived across the street for 43 years was bitter about the junkyard, saying the business has been an eyesore and a noise nuisance.
    5. If the ads ran now, the guy might have to stand in a junkyard _ a metaphor not only for Columbia, but also for other California S&Ls that diversified away from home-mortgage lending during the deregulated frenzy of the last decade.
    6. At Nissenbaum's auto junkyard in Somerville, Mass., someone on the phone is looking for an engine for a 1979 Buick.
    7. In the 1920s, Irish rebels attacked the statue of William in Dublin, even to the extent of trucking it to a junkyard and lopping off its head.
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