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 junketing ['dʒʌŋkitiŋ添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 宴请,旅游

    [ noun ]
    taking an excursion for pleasure

    Junket \Jun"ket\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Junketed}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Junketing}.]
    To give entertainment to; to feast.

    The good woman took my lodgings over my head, and was
    in such a hurry to junket her neighbors. --Walpole.

    Junketing \Jun"ket*ing\, n.
    1. A feast or entertainment; a revel.

    All those snug junketings and public gormandizings
    for which the ancient magistrates were equally
    famous with their modern successors. --W. Irving.

    The apostle would have no reveling or junketing upon
    the altar. --South.

    2. The act or process of taking a junket[3].

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