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 合意诉讼 添加此单词到默认生词本
amicable action

  1. 在民事诉讼中,我们应当引入合意机制,构建民事诉讼契约制度,强化当事人的程序主体性。
    If the system of con tract is introduced in the civil lawsuit, it can strengthen litigant's procedural status.
  2. 摘要诉讼和解是民事诉讼当事人合意解决纠纷的一种便利高效的诉讼制度。
    The settlement of litigation is a high efficiency litigation system to solve the dispute between the parties in the civil dispute.
  3. 作为兼具处分行为与审判行为双重属性的独特制度,法院调解的程序设置应体现诉讼解决纠纷与合意解决纠纷的特性。
    As special institution with double attribution on disposal action and judicatory action, procedural installation of intermediation of the court need to embody the character that is solution the dissension in litigious and in agreement.

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