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 合成代谢产物 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 本图企图说明包括主要次生代谢产物以及众所周知的利己激素在内的一般生物合成途径。
    This scheme strives to show general biosynthetic pathways yielding major classes of secondary metabolites that include known allomones.
  2. 摘要介绍了稀土元素对药用植物细胞、组织的生长及次生代谢产物合成的作用,探讨了稀土的作用机理。
    Here we discussed the effects of rare earth elements on the growth of medicinal plant cell and tissue cultured in vitro and biosynthesis of secondary metabolites in the cultured materials.
  3. 作者着重阐述支链氨基酸对泌乳的特殊作用,泌乳母猪对支链氨基酸的需要量,以及支链氨基酸及其代谢产物对蛋白质合成和降解的影响。
    This paper discusses the special functions of BCAA for lactating animals, the requirement of BCAA by lactating sows, and the effects of BCAA and their metabolites on protein synthesis and degradation.

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