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 合成噪声 添加此单词到默认生词本
combined noise

  1. 如果噪声源和抗噪波无法重合,合成波形就不能恰好重叠,抗噪效应也就无从谈起。
    Unless the sources of the noise and the antinoise coincide, the wave patterns will not overlap properly and the effect will be lost.
  2. 但是,加在低分辨率图像上的随机噪声会对合成的高分辨率图像产生不可预知的影响。
    But the random noise added to low resolution images will have unpredictable influence over the synthesized high-resolution images.
  3. 模拟合成器常常使用低通滤波器来去除电子音频发生器所产生的高频噪声
    Analog synthesis often use low-pass filter to remove electronic audio generator generated by high-frequency noise.

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