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 合成地震记录 添加此单词到默认生词本
[地震] synthetic seismogram

  1. 文章给出了实际地震记录合成地震记录应用此法的算例。
    In this paper, the computation examples are given to show the application of this method to actual seismic record and synthetic seismogram.
  2. 本文对用有限单元法制作共炮点合成地震记录和零炮检距合成地震记录的方法进行了研究。
    In this paper, the way of constructing the common shot-point synthetic seismogram and the zero-offset synthetic seismogram by finite element method was examined.
  3. 为了消除合成地震记录的时深关系影响,建议采用时间扫描法代替手工移动法。
    In order to eliminate the influence of time-distance relationship on seismic synthetic records, we suggest using time-scanning method to replace manual-shifting method.

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