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 合成化学 添加此单词到默认生词本
[化工] synthetic chemistry

  1. 这和大多数职业确实是相同的:像医学、法律、甚至(或许特别是)合成化学
    This is equally true of most professions: medicine, the law, even (or perhaps, especially) such arcana as synthetic chemistry.
  2. 现在,有几种天然防晒成分已经买不到了,而只用人工合成化学物质显然是没法达到足够的防晒指数的。
    Except that a couple of the originals have disappeared from sale, apparently unable to provide sufficient SPF without help from man-made chemicals.
  3. 自动化系统还能合成化学疗法和非化学疗法剂量的无菌制剂,然后把制剂注入IV注射器或袋子里。
    The automated system also compounds sterile preparations of chemotherapy and non-chemotherapy doses and fills IV syringes or bags with the medications.

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