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 合成原油 添加此单词到默认生词本
synthetic crude

  1. 例如,克雷格·文特尔(Craig Venter)的合成基因学说,以及其他一些公司正在试图开发把碳、页岩焦油和原油变为甲烷的微生物。
    For instance, Craig Venter's Synthetic Genomics and other companies are trying to develop microbes that turn coal, tar shale and oil into methane.
  2. 苯是原油中提炼出来的化学合成物,1928年两个意大利医生检测到一名工人因长达五年的时间里暴露在苯环境中而患有癌症,他们发现苯可引发白血病。
    Benzene, a chemical compound refined from crude oil, was found to cause leukemia in 1928 by two Italian doctors who detected the cancer in a worker exposed to benzene for five years.
  3. 应该有部分原油渗入沙中,并和沙一起沉淀最终合成一体。 它们在被水风化或被海岸巡逻队探测到之前都会淹没在水中。
    Some of it became entrained with sand and the sediment coalesced into mats that will stay submerged until they are weathered by the water or spotted by the Coast Guard.

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