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 合成原理 添加此单词到默认生词本
[数] composition principle

  1. 探讨了酯交换反应和磷酸化反应的合成原理
    Synthetic principles of ester exchanging reaction and phosphating reaction were investigated.
  2. 本文就其合成原理、工艺流程、质量指标和应用效果的试验等作了简介。
    This paper briefly describes its synthetic principle, technological process, quality index and the experiments in applied effect, etc.
  3. 本文介绍了羧甲基淀粉的研究现状,合成原理和方法,并对羧甲基淀粉取代度测试的方法进行了详细的介绍。
    The paper introduces the present research carboxymethyl starch synthesis principle and method, and the substitution degree of carboxymethyl starch test methods were introduced in detail.

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