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 合成云母 添加此单词到默认生词本
[材] synthetic mica

  1. 本文报道了以合成云母为原料用化学镀膜的方法制成了珠光颜料。
    The preparation of synthetic mica pearly luster pigment by chemical coating method is reported in this paper.
  2. 对用于制作电容器的合成云母片的缺陷与性能的关系作了分析和讨论。
    The relationships between defects in synthetic mica plate and their performances as used to construct condenser were also studied and discussed.
  3. SI型合在云母板,用耐潮温、粘结性优良的无机粘结剂,涂布于合成云母纸,经于燥后叠放,加热加压制成无机合成云母纸板。
    SI type composite mica plate, adopt moisture-resistant, fine organic binder coating on synthesis of mica paper. After drying, heating and pressing to make synthesis of mica paper laminates.

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