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 ill-health 添加此单词到默认生词本
[医] 健康不佳, 不适

    1. It has been an ill-health service, devoted to curing conditions which might have been prevented by promoting healthier life-styles.
    2. By his normal retirement age he would have been paid about Pounds 130,000. But the Britannic scheme has no provision for early payment for ill-health.
    3. The recession has hurt the company's direct piano sales, most of which are instruments which Winston buys in various states of ill-health.
    4. He has been dogged by ill-health for the past year and made several visits to Australia for treatment.
    5. Hugh Laughland as temporary chairman at LOW & BONAR; Ian Macpherson has resigned because of continuing ill-health.
    6. This is supposed to cover repayments if the borrower becomes unemployed or cannot work through ill-health. A report this month in the Consumers Association magazine Which? attacks credit insurance as over-priced and full of exclusions.
    7. Acting presidential power has passed to Mr Yagub Mamedov, leader of the parliament, but he wishes to resign because of ill-health.
    8. Sentencing him, the judge said only his ill-health had saved the financier from a prison sentence.
    9. Five months later Mr Kerridge resigned for reasons of ill-health.
    10. "For the first time the Air Force is saying in a major way that they cannot rule out dioxin as the cause of ill-health effects," said Barry Kasinitz, spokesman for Vietnam Veterans of America.
    11. Botha, who showed no signs of ill-health during the interview, said de Klerk "was being misused by some people," but insisted there is no personal conflict.
    12. The convictions were quashed on appeal. GUINNESS 2: the trial was abandoned last February after five months because of the ill-health of one of the two defendants, former merchant banker Mr Roger Seelig.
    13. Cressey, 58, is retiring as a director of the group because of ill-health.
    14. Charles Faulkner, who retired from his job in 1934 because of ill-health, has celebrated his 107th birthday.
    15. But news reports say Sister Agnes also is in ill-health.
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