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 ill-tempered 添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 脾气暴躁的

    [ adj ]
    annoyed and irritable

    Ill-tempered \Ill`-tem"pered\, a.
    1. Of bad temper; grouchy; morose; crabbed; sour; peevish;
    fretful; quarrelsome.

    Syn: crabbed, crabby, cross, fussy, fussbudgety, grouchy,
    grumpy, bad-tempered.

    2. Unhealthy; ill-conditioned. [Obs.]

    So ill-tempered I am grown, that I am afraid I shall
    catch cold, while all the world is afraid to melt
    away. --Pepys.

    1. On the environment, for instance, the Belgian presidency will have to arbitrate in the increasingly ill-tempered row over German waste exports for recycling, partly by pushing hard to get the stalled EC directive on packaging waste through.
    2. Gower's flight over Queensland's Carrarra Ground, in a 1938 Tiger-Moth, on England's ill-fated, ill-tempered tour of Australia in the winter of 1990-91, brought him grim disapproval from Gooch and the tour's officials.
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