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 ill-treatment 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 虐待, 苛待

    [ noun ]
    cruel or inhumane treatment
    the child showed signs of physical abuse

    ill-treatment \ill-treatment\ n.
    cruel or inhumane treatment.

    Syn: maltreatment, ill-usage, abuse.
    [WordNet 1.5]

    1. Many laborers died from ill-treatment or were later murdered in Nazi concentration camps.
    2. This is quite similar to the Stalinist Soviet Union (I have never heard that the Soviet Union apologised or paid reparation to its victims). The 'crimes' Japan committed were colonisation, killing of civilians and ill-treatment of POWs.
    3. It said that trials in 14 of these cases had resulted in convictions of 57 people on charges of torture and ill-treatment of prisoners.
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