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 ill-suited 添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 与...不适合的

    1. As "Dallas" struggles into its new season without the inimitable Victoria Principal as Pam Ewing, her fans can still see her in this made-for-TV sudser about a kept woman who loses her keeper and finds that she is ill-suited for any other occupation.
    2. Chelsea is artificial, a suspension of disbelief. This weekend I can still disbelieve it, especially when looking at the daphnes in my garden. Of all the noble families, daphnes are particularly ill-suited to flower-shows.
    3. Hunters and gatherers are ill-suited for a life as rice farmers and belong in the jungle, he argued.
    4. In addition, they assert that Maglev is wholly incompatible with existing transit modes and ill-suited for most mass-transit uses, which entails frequent stopping.
    5. In the process, she shows that Washington today may be ill-suited to cope with any real health emergency.
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